Adult Faith Formation Package Level III
Price: $129.95
By purchasing Adult Faith Formation Package Level III you save $1,085.98 versus the combined cost of the individual lessons

Product Description
Building upon the materials in the Adult Faith Formation Package Level I and Level II, the Adult Faith Formation Level III Program is designed to take students to the pinnacle of their knowledge of the Faith. This course is ideal for those who are intermediate to advanced in their knowledge of the Catholic Faith. All courses in this package are bundled and offered for an outstanding discount.
Adult Faith Formation Package Level III contains the following Core Courses:
- Apologetics #1: Getting Started with Apologetics
- Apologetics #2: The Existence of God
- Apologetics #3: Which God? Part 1
- Apologetics #4: Which God? Part 2
- Apologetics #5: The Christian Holy Books Part 1 – The Old Testament
- Apologetics #6: The Christian Holy Books Part 2 – The New Testament
- Apologetics #7: The Christian Holy Books Part 3 – The Bible
- Apologetics #8: The Church Begins
- Apologetics #9: Which Church?
- Apologetics #10: One, True, Catholic, and Apostolic Church
- World History From A Catholic Perspective #1
- World History From A Catholic Perspective #2
- World History From A Catholic Perspective #3
- World History From A Catholic Perspective #4
- World History From A Catholic Perspective #5
- World History From A Catholic Perspective #6
- World History From A Catholic Perspective #7
- World History From A Catholic Perspective #8
- World History From A Catholic Perspective #9
- World History From A Catholic Perspective #10
- Miracles #1: Miracles in Sacred Scripture
- Miracles #2: The Lives of the Martyrs 33 to 400 AD
- Miracles #3: The Lives of the Martyrs 400 AD to Present
- Miracles #4: The Stigmata
- Miracles #5: The Miracles of Modern Saints
- Miracles #6: The Incorruptibles
- Miracles #7: The Miracles of the Holy Rosary
- Miracles #8: The Apparitions of Our Blessed Mother
- Miracles #9: The Raising of the Dead
- Miracles #10: Eucharistic Miracles
- Councils #1: Council of Nicea, 325
- Councils #2: Council of Constantinople, 381
- Councils #3: Council of Ephesus, 431
- Councils #4: Council of Chalcedon, 451
- Councils #5: Council of Constantinople, 553
- Councils #6 Council of Constantinople III, 680-681
- Councils #7: Council of Nicaea II, 787
- Councils #8 Council of Constantinople IV, 869-870
- Councils #9: Lateran Council I, 1123
- Councils #10: Lateran Council II, 1139
- Councils #11: Lateran Council III, 1179
- Councils #12: Lateran Council IV, 1215
- Councils #13: Lyon Council I, 1245
- Councils #14: Lyon Council II, 1274
- Councils #15: Vienne Council, 1311-1312
- Councils #16: Constance Council, 1415-1418
- Councils #17: Council of Basel, Ferrara, Florence, and Rome, 1431-1445
- Councils #18: Council of Lateran V, 1512-1517
- Councils #19: Council of Trent, 1545-1547, 1551-1552, 1562-1563
- Councils #20: Vatican I, 1869-1870
- Councils #21: Vatican II, 1962-1965
- Holy Ghost #1: Introduction to the Holy Ghost
- Holy Ghost #2: Presence in Sacred Scripture
- Holy Ghost #3: Presence in Sacred Tradition
- Holy Ghost #4: A Relationship with the Holy Ghost
- Holy Ghost #5: Gifts of the Holy Ghost
- Holy Ghost #6: Fruits of the Holy Ghost
- Holy Ghost #7: Speaks through the Prophets and Apostles
- Holy Ghost #8: The Holy Ghost Leads the Church
- Holy Ghost #9: The Holy Ghost and Sanctification through the Sacraments
- Holy Ghost #10: Charisms of the Holy Ghost
- Advent: 1st Sunday
- Monday in the First Week of Advent
- Tuesday in the First Week of Advent
- Wednesday in the First Week of Advent
- Thursday in the First Week of Advent
- Friday in the First Week of Advent
- Advent: 2nd Sunday
- Advent: 3rd Sunday
- Advent: 4th Sunday
- St. Nicholas
- Vigil of the Immaculate Conception
- Feast of the Immaculate Conception
- Vigil of the Nativity of our Lord (Christmas Eve)
- Life of Christ #3: Nativity
- St. Stephen the First Martyr
- St. John the Apostle
- The Holy Innocents
- St. Thomas Becket
- St. Sylvester
- Christmas: Sunday within the Octave of Christmas
- Octave Day of Christmas
- Holy Name of Jesus
- Epiphany of the Lord
- Baptism of Christ at Christmastide
- Candlemas
- Septuagesima Sunday
- Sexagesima Sunday
- Quinquagesima Sunday
- Monday before Ash Wednesday
- Tuesday before Ash Wednesday
- Ash Wednesday
- Thursday after Ash Wednesday
- Friday after Ash Wednesday
- Lent: 1st Sunday
- Lent: 2nd Sunday
- Lent: 3rd Sunday
- Lent: 4th Sunday (Laetare Sunday)
- Lent: 5th Sunday (Passion Sunday)
- Palm Sunday
- Holy Monday
- Holy Tuesday
- Holy Wednesday (Spy Wednesday)
- Holy Thursday, Good Friday, & Holy Saturday
- Feast of the Annunciation
- Trinity Sunday (First Sunday after Pentecost)
- Christ the Teacher
- Corpus Christi
- Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul
- Vigil of the Assumption
- Immaculate Heart of Mary
- Exaltation of the Holy Cross
- Time After Pentecost: 21st Sunday
- Time After Pentecost: 22nd Sunday
- Time After Pentecost: 23rd Sunday
- Christ the King
- All Saints Day
- All Souls Day
- The Four Evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John
- St. John Chrysostom
- The Saints of the Roman Canon
- The Fourteen Holy Helpers
- St. Andrew
- St. Matthias
- St. James the Lesser
- St. James the Greater
- St. Bartholomew
- St. Thomas
- St. Simon
- St. Jude Thaddeus
- St. Philip
- St. Matthew
- St. John
- St. Peter
- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
- St. Blasé
- St. Cyril of Alexandria
- St. Valentine
- St. Thomas Aquinas
- St. Francis of Paola
- St. Gregory the Great
- St. Patrick
- St. Benedict of Norsia
- St. Joseph
- St. Gianna Beretta Molla
- St. Damien of Molokai
- Blessed Margaret of Castello
- St. Joseph the Worker
- St. Margaret of Cortona
- St. Basil the Great
- St. Ephrem
- Nativity of St. John the Baptist
- St. Maria Goretti
- St. Dominic
- St. Augustine
- St. Jeanne Jugan
- Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Holy Name of Mary
- St. Michael the Archangel
- St. Jerome
- St. Francis of Assisi
- Dedication of St. John Lateran
- St. Nicholas
- St. Ambrose
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