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Catholic Natural Family Planning (NFP) Classes

Natural Family Planning Course


What is Natural Family Planning?

Natural Family Planning (NFP) is one of the keys to a strong marriage. NFP is demonstrative of God’s wisdom and beauty. Embedded in the woman’s monthly cycle is the key to having children, the spacing of children and necessary meaningful communication between husband and wife. NFP keeps intact the unitive and procreative aspects of the marital embrace. This fidelity to God and His plan for marriage results in a less than two percent divorce rate and a more frequent enjoyment of the marital embrace by those who practice NFP compared to couples who do not.

There are fundamental practical and moral differences between contraception and natural family planning. While contraception is completely artificial, relying on drugs or devices to prevent pregnancy, natural family planning delays or avoids pregnancy through periodic abstinence during a woman’s fertile periods. Contraception is considered a violation of God’s law; natural family planning is not. There are numerous reasons for this.

With natural family planning, the sexual act is not separated from responsibility. The husband and wife are not deliberately violating their fertility and they are not objecting to the connection between love and life. Natural family planning is also based on the virtue of self-control which is essential for a successful marriage. When natural family planning is used, couples tend to show their love for each other in ways that are not entirely physical. Natural family planning enhances the marriage bond because it promotes communication and cooperation. While natural family planning respects the dignity of both marriage partners, contraception does not. Rather, it reduces the human being to an object used for the personal fulfillment of another.

Why are Natural Family Planning Classes Needed? has put together a Natural Family Planning Class meant to prepare today's Catholics to under the importance of life and the Church's timeless and science-supported position on the dignity of human life and the role of Natural Family Planning in the life of Catholic couples. Since many parishes and dioceses require couples to complete a NFP class, our online based course is meant to satisfy that requirement.

Additionally, the Church teaches that natural family planning, if it is to be practiced between spouses must meet two requirements. First, it must be mutual and agreed to by both spouses. And secondly, it must not, as far as can reasonably be foreseen, lead either spouse to commit sin. Now, for those who for legitimate reasons do need to practice NFP, how can it be done? That is where NFP classes come in.

Who wrote the NFP Class?

Our Natural Family Planning Course was written by Ms. Maria Vitale Gallagher. Ms. Gallagher is the legislative director for the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation and a national leader in the pro-life movement. She is an industry expert on abortion and contraception and a committed Catholic.

Are you looking for a Natural Family Planning Course?

Look no further than Complete our online course to earn a certificate of completion from our organization.

Access to the course never expires. Even long after you complete the course, you will have access to the content so you can reference it and use it for years in the future! And the tools and method resources presented can be a long-term aid, in addition to understanding the key times when NFP may and may not be practiced. This key difference is critically important or else NFP is simply just contraception which is seriously sinful. Those who complete the course may receive a certificate of completion in Natural Family Planning Preparation. Certificates are issued upon request within only 2 - 3 days after completing the course requirements. We can even offer same-day certificate preparation for a small additional charge if needed.

How Long Does An NFP Course Take?

Not too long at all! The course takes approximately 2 to 3 hours to fully complete. The course is accesible online 24/7 and your access never expires.

How Does the Course Work?

The course itself consists of reading, videos, and two short quizzes. Some students complete the course and receive their final results and certificate of completion the same day. You determine how quickly to finish the course. We are here to help you meet your requirements and learn the fundamental importance of Natural Family Planning.

Do you Offer Certificates of Completion?

Absolutely! Certificates are generally issued within only 2 - 3 days after completing the course requirements. If needed, we can even offer same day certificate preparation for a small charge.

What is the Price? How Can I Sign Up?

Click on the button below to see our product page where you can learn more, see the current price, and sign up.