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Restoring Lost Customs of Christendom

Author: Matthew R. Plese
Description: Unlike the pagan religions which often view time as an endless cycle of death and rebirth, the Christian view of time is linear. While God alone has always existed and has no beginning, time had a beginning. There was a first day on earth. And there will be a last day. There will be a day ultimately when the sun will rise for the last time and when it will set for the last time. Time will end. And God Himself will end it as time belongs to Him. It is our duty to honor God in time. And we can do so by sanctifying the days, weeks, months, and seasons of the year.

The Church’s Liturgical Year is a harmonious interplay of feasts and fasts interwoven in both the temporal and sanctoral cycles that define the rhythm and rhyme of Catholic life. While there are many customs associated with the seasons of the liturgical year and high ranking feast days, the entire year is replete with opportunities to live out our Catholic heritage through the customs our forefathers instituted.

The Church’s annual liturgical calendar is comprised of two different, concurrent annual cycles. First, the Proper of the Seasons, or Temporal Cycle, traces the earthly life of Our Lord Jesus Christ. In the Roman Catholic Church, it consists mainly of Sundays related to the various liturgical seasons – that is, the seven liturgical seasons contained in two cycles of its own: the Christmas Cycle and the Easter Cycle. It starts with Advent then goes through Christmas, Epiphany, Septuagesima, Lent, Easter, and Time after Pentecost. The determination of the date of Easter dictates nearly all the other dates in this cycle. But there is a second cycle: the Proper of the Saints, called the Sanctoral Cycle, which is the annual cycle of feast days not necessarily connected with the seasons.

Beyond assisting at Mass and praying the Divine Office, we can and should observe the forgotten customs that further underscored authentic Catholic culture. Catholic culture is more than just going to Mass – much more. Catholic culture is built on fasting periods, assisting at Processions, having various items blessed at different parts of the year (e.g. herbs on August 15, grapes on September 8th, wine on December 27th). It features days of festivity like during Martinmas and promotes family time and charitable works like visits to grandparents on Easter Monday. It is replete with food customs to celebrate the end of fasting periods and filled with special devotions during periods of penance. It is our heritage. These traditions are our birthright. They are ours as much as they were our ancestors. We must reclaim them. We must spread them. We must love them and observe them. And this book will show today’s Catholic how.

Restoring Lost Customs of Christendom
ISBN: 979-8987760703
Publisher: Our Lady of Victory Press
Published: December 12, 2023
Language: English
Page: 265
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback
Dimensions: (inches) 6 wide x 9 tall

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The Definitive Guide to Catholic Fasting & Abstinence (2nd Edition)

Author: Matthew R. Plese
Description: Fasting is one of the chief means of penance we can perform to make satisfaction for sin, as our Lady of Fatima repeatedly called for. However, in a modern Church that legislates fasting only two days a year, we find a woefully lacking answer to Heaven’s incessant calls for penance and reparation. Understanding the decline of fasting over time in the Church should inspire us to observe these older customs and to encourage other Catholics to do so for the purpose of making satisfaction for sin.

While the purpose of fasting has remained the same, how fasting is observed has changed. As more Catholics seek to rediscover the traditions of earlier centuries and piously observe these traditions, they are often confused by the changing disciplines and exceptions for certain times, places, and circumstances. St. Francis de Sales remarked, “If you’re able to fast, you will do well to observe some days beyond what are ordered by the Church.”

This book explains fasting and how it has changed over the centuries in one of the most complete compilations yet written. Unfortunately, most summaries of fasting are either inaccurate or incomplete. However, rather than being a mere academic exercise, the purpose of studying the history of fasting is ultimately to help us rediscover these more ancient practices in an attempt to better observe our Lord and our Blessed Mother’s call for penance and reparation for sins.

The 2nd edition features the following topics which were not covered (or covered only briefly) in the first edition, including detailed explanations of how fasting changed in other countries besides America, including Spain and the Philippines, a detailed explanation of who was exempt from fasting and/or abstinence and how those changes were documented and taught in various catechisms over the centuries. Mr. Plese also cover Easter Week food traditions, highlighting their connection with the Lenten fast, Armenian fasting and abstinence rigors, Maronite fasting guidelines, the heroic example of St. John of the Cross and the Primitive Rule of Pope Innocent IV vs. the mitigated rule approved by Pope Eugenius IV, how the time of the meal on fasting days differed (e.g., sunset for Ember Days but 3 PM for the weekly devotional fasts), and so much more.

Even priests have said that 95% of the book's content is new and was not taught to them!

As Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen once remarked, "It is a long-established principle of the Church never to completely drop from her public worship any ceremony, object or prayer which once occupied a place in that worship." The same may be said for matters concerning either Holy Days of Obligation or fast days. What our forefathers held sacred should remain sacred to us in an effort to preserve our catholicity not only with ourselves but with our ancestors who see God now in Heaven.

The Definitive Guide to Catholic Fasting & Abstinence
ISBN: 979-8987760765
Publisher: Our Lady of Victory Press
Published: January 13, 2024
Language: English
Page: 199
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback
Dimensions: (inches) 6 wide x 9 tall

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The Roman Catechism Explained for the Modern World

Author: Matthew R. Plese
Description: Unbeknownst to many, the new catechism published in 1992 is far from the only catechism. St. Peter Canisius wrote the first catechism in 1555. Less than a decade later in 1562, the Roman Catechism was commissioned by the Fathers of the Council of Trent, who saw the need for an authoritative explanation of the Faith for the universal Church. Prepared under St. Charles Borromeo’s supervision and issued by Pope St. Pius V in 1566, it remains the most authoritative catechism in print. For modern readers, however, the Roman Catechism is rather verbose and hard to read. To remedy this, over one hundred years ago, Fr. Francis Spirago authored The Catechism Explained.

Now a century later, Mr. Matthew Plese has done the same for our day. In The Roman Catechism Explained for the Modern World, Plese seeks to present the teaching of the Roman Catechism anew. Augmented by the Catechism of St. Pius X, the Baltimore Catechism, the Sacred Scriptures, and the writings of the saints, this new Catechism Explained will make this forgotten catechism available, accessible, and understandable for the crisis we find ourselves in.

The Roman Catechism Explained for the Modern World
ISBN: 9798218104122
Publisher: Our Lady of Victory Press
Published: November 21, 2022
Language: English
Page: 381
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback
Dimensions: (inches) 6 wide x 9 tall

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Ordained Before the World: A Catholic Apologetic

Author: James Boardman
Description: What is an apologetic? Simply put, an apologetic is an argument meant to persuade. Trial lawyers use apologetics every day to persuade juries and judges to adopt their point of view. But we, too, are exposed to apologetics everyday as we listen to advertising touting one product over another, or as we listen to our lawn care provider explain why we should continue using him to mow our lawn and trim our shrubs instead of a cheaper company down the street. No high theology to be found here! To the contrary, this book arms Catholics, both young and old, with easy to understand basics necessary to defend their Catholic Faith and to comfortably share this faith with others. If you are just beginning your walk as a newly committed Catholic or if you are a Cradle Catholic to whom the basic ways of the faith have become foggy, this book is for you.

Ordained Before the World: A Catholic Apologetic
ISBN: 9781365640490
Publisher: The Goldhead Group, Ltd
Published: December 31, 2016
Language: English
Page: 406
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback
Dimensions: (inches) 6 wide x 9 tall

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The Twelve: Lives and Legends of The Apostles

Author: Frances Spilman
Description: What were the Apostles of Jesus really like? This book will examine the Gospels, the Fathers of the Church, Apocryphal writings, encyclicals and other sources to search out the Apostles’ personalities and history. Along the way we will look at the prayers, poetry, music and architecture the Apostles inspired and see how these twelve men are still teaching us today almost 2,000 years after their deaths. We will see how the faith spread throughout the Roman Empire and even beyond its borders and how each Apostle met his death. You will be surprised at the many different paths of the Apostles as they witnessed for Christ.

The Twelve: Lives and Legends of The Apostles
ISBN: 9781365640438
Copyright: The Goldhead Group, Ltd
Publisher: The Goldhead Group, Ltd
Published: January 4, 2017
Language: English
Page: 192
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback
Dimensions: (inches) 6 wide x 9 tall

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Lord, That I May See: Fundamentals of Christian Philosophy

Author: Matthew Robinson
Description: In Lord, That I May See: Fundamentals of Christian Philosophy, Robinson surveys the most important concepts in classical philosophy and offers the student a solid foundation in reason. In recent times, the Catholic Church has been urging all of the faithful to come to a renewed appreciation and understanding of genuine philosophy. The pedagogical method of this book is one that widens one's intellectual and spiritual lives in the faith. Beautiful prayers and artwork are offered to help you elevate your hearts and minds to the things of God. Since God has revealed Himself supernaturally by Divine Revelation, and naturally by creation, arguments are employed that make use of those avenues of knowledge of God. Scripture and Tradition are cited to help ground you in the context of the Catholic Church, a Church which is the "pillar and ground of the truth" (1 Tim 3:15).

Lord, That I May See: Fundamentals of Christian Philosophy
ISBN: 9781387416509
Publisher: The Goldhead Group, Ltd
Published: December 16, 2017
Language: English
Page: 204
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback
Dimensions: (inches) 6 wide x 9 tall

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Quinceañera: A Celebration of Life and a Young Woman's Path to Sainthood (Una Celebración de la Vida y el Camino de Una Joven Hacia la Santidad)

Author: Yokasta Lara
Description: In a world that seems to be turning more and more away from God, the celebration of the Quinceañera offers an opportunity to bring individuals and families together to give thanks to God for the gift of life, and ask for His blessings upon the young woman on her journey from childhood to maturity. This book is a spiritual preparation for girls celebrating their Quinceañera, which ensures that the young woman understands the basics of her Catholic Faith. Focus is put on the Sacraments, and the importance of living a holy life.

Quinceañera: A Celebration of Life and a Young Woman's Path to Sainthood (Una Celebración de la Vida y el Camino de Una Joven Hacia la Santidad) Quinceañera: A Celebration of Life and a Young Woman's Path to Sainthood (Una Celebración de la Vida y el Camino de Una Joven Hacia la Santidad)
ISBN: 9781365355905
Publisher: The Goldhead Group, Ltd
Published: August 29, 2016
Language: English
Page: 90
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback
Dimensions: (inches) 6 wide x 9 tall

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The Councils of the Catholic Church: Nicea to Now

Author: Frances Spilman
Description: When you think of the Councils of the Church, you probably imagine a group of Cardinals and Bishops quietly discussing obtuse theological doctrines which have no practical implications. Perhaps a loud cough is heard once in a while but, on the whole, it is a staid affair. Actually, the Councils were anything but impractical or quiet. There were loud disagreements and accusations of heresy. You will read about wars, riots, murders and shipwrecks as well as anti-popes and the suppression of the Templars. The Council members cared deeply about the religious and social problems of their day, arguing for months, sometimes years, in order to find a solution. Each chapter of the book contains a discussion of why the Council was called and what happened at the Council, as well as Biblical references and prayers. You shall meet many saints (from Saint Francis to Saint Nick) as well as a few characters not so holy. Each Council has its own exciting story but each has a unifying theme in the Church's unending mission to guide souls to God.

The Coucils of the Catholic Church: Nicea to Now
ISBN: 9781329553965
Publisher: The Goldhead Group, Ltd
Published: September 14, 2015
Language: English
Pages: 460
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback
Dimensions: (inches) 6 wide x 9 tall

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Finding Happiness: An Introduction to Morality

Author: James Boardman
Description: What is true Christian morality? How does God want us to live our lives? Why does God care how we live our lives and why should I care about God's law? Is God real and is His law universal and objective? In this clear guide to understanding Christian morality, James Boardman explains the importance of virtue and ethics. With a Thomistic and Aristotelian basis, he guides the reader through a journey in morality. By examining the sin of Adam and Eve, vices and virtues, the effects of the Sacraments, the true definition of grace, and much more, the reader will develop an understanding of and a deep appreciation for Christian morality.

Finding Happiness: An Introduction to Morality
ISBN: 9781312975286
Publisher: The Goldhead Group, Ltd
Published: March 28, 2015
Language: English
Pages: 307
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback
Dimensions: (inches) 6 wide x 9 tall

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Understanding the Precepts of the Church

Author: Matthew R. Plese
Description: Catholics are bound to observe the laws of the Church, in addition to the Ten Commandments. Many of these additional laws have been long established and observed by the Faithful for centuries. The Precepts of the Church are not all inclusive in terms of the rules for living a Catholic life. There are other laws that Catholics are bound to observe that are not listed in the Precepts of the Church. The Precepts of the Church are the six principal ones, that is, the six ones with which Catholics should ordinary be concerned, since they ordinarily occur in a person's life. Through this book, Mr. Plese studies the precepts in depth to understand the need for the precepts, what the precepts require of us, and why they are so important.

Understanding the Precepts of the Church
ISBN: 9781312953413
Publisher: The Goldhead Group, Ltd
Published: February 28, 2015
Language: English
Pages: 157
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback
Weight: 0.64 lbs.
Dimensions: (inches) 6 wide x 9 tall

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Eschatology: The Catholic Study of the Four Last Things

Author: Matthew R. Plese
Description: Eschatology is the study of the end of life, the end of time, and the Final Coming of Christ. In Eschatology, Christian Theology focuses primarily on the "Four Last Things" that comprise its study. They are Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell. In addition to these areas, Mr. Plese explores as part of the five-part series on these topics, Purgatory, the place of temporary purification after death for souls that die in the state of grace (i.e. are destined for Heaven) but are not yet perfect and able to enter Heaven.

Eschatology: The Catholic Study of the Four Last Things
ISBN: 9781312890947
Publisher: The Goldhead Group, Ltd
Published: February 4, 2015
Language: English
Pages: 268
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback
Dimensions:(inches) 6 wide x 9 tall

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Catholic Book Summaries: 54 Traditional and Contemporary Classics

Author: Matthew R. Plese
Description: Catholic Book Summaries presents 54 summaries of Catholic books in a concise, clear, and complete manner. With so many books for Catholics to read and understand, Catholic Book Summaries is an attempt to synthesize some of the most well known traditional and contemporary classics for today's Catholics. Meant for Catholics of all ages, this book is your guide to understanding dozens of books in a fraction of the time required to read them all. This is an entire library of "must read" Catholic books condensed into one volume. These summaries of the most important Catholic thinkers of all time are not just quick facts. They distill the wisdom of our great Catholic thinkers such as Blessed Cardinal Newman, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, Scott Hahn, GK Chesterton and so many more.

Catholic Book Summaries
ISBN: 9781304032195
Publisher: The Goldhead Group, Ltd
Published: March 13, 2013
Language: English
Pages: 715
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback
Dimensions: (inches) 6 wide x 9 tall]

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Marriage in the Heart and Mind of the Church

Author: Preston E. Wiggins, Jr,
Description: Marriage in the Heart and the Mind of the Church is a series of reflections on the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Intended for couples preparing to receive the Sacrament, this guide prepares the couple for the Sacrament of Matrimony and the interior dispositions necessary for marriage.

Marriage in the Heart and Mind of the Church
ISBN: 9781105751738
Publisher: The Goldhead Group, Ltd
Published: June 18, 2012
Language: English
Pages: 92
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback
Dimensions: (inches) 6 wide x 9 tall

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