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Baptism Preparation Program (For Either Godparents or Parents)

Price: $44.95



Product Description publishes a best-selling and one-of-a-kind online Baptism Preparation Course. This course is ideal for those who are studying to prepare for their child's Baptism or to be Godparents. We offer the fastest way to complete a Baptismal preparation course and receive a certificate of completion.

Course Highlights:
  1. Upon successfully completing this program, you can seamlessly request a Certificate of Completion to certify your completion of the course (including that you have read through all of the modules). Certificates are issued within only 2 - 3 business days. To those who order expedited processing, certificates are made available even quicker - guaranteed in 24 hours! This is the fastest online Baptism course option!
  2. This course is written by Fr. James Zatalava and offered for a nominal price through
  3. Thousand of users successfully complete this course each year who are studying for Baptisms in the United States, Canada, and more than 40 other countries.
  4. Personalized Mentoring and Correspondence with Certified Catechists is also available.
  5. The recommended time to take this course is approximately 1 hour.

In this best-selling course, you will learn the following spread over 16 concise modules:
  1. The Role of Baptism, its necessity for salvation, and what original sin is
  2. Baptism in the Early Church
  3. The essential Rite of Baptism
  4. Who may serve as the minister of Baptism and the effects of Baptism
  5. The facts on infant baptism, unbaptized infants, non-Catholic Baptisms, and adult Baptisms through RCIA
  6. The role of godparents and how it is both a true blessing and a great responsibility
  7. Much more!

Each person needing to be named on the certificate of completion needs his/her own account. Materials can not be shared by more than one person. All persons expecting a certificate must make his/her own purchase.

If you are studying for your own Baptism, we also have programs for you as well. Whether you are an adult or not, please use our course selector to find the right class for your own Baptismal preparation.

Para este curso en español, ¡haga clic aquí!