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Quinceañera Preparation Online

Quinceañera Class


What is a Quinceañera For? When is a Quinceañera?

Quinceañera is the celebration of a young woman’s transition from childhood to adulthood. The ceremony is also known as “fiesta de quince años,” “quinceañero,” or simply “quince.” It is commonly celebrated in Mexico, South and Central America, and the Caribbean, and popularly requested by Hispanic Catholics in the United States.

It is widely believed that Quinceañera originated with the Mayan Indians. People today believe that these ceremonies included speeches by the parents, asking their daughters to become wise women. When the Spanish colonized Mexico in the sixteenth century, the ceremony passed on to become a Mexican Catholic tradition, in which a young lady turning fifteen, consecrates herself to the Blessed Virgin Mary during the celebration of the Holy Mass. The Mass is offered for the quinceañera, as she takes on the path God has designed for her.

What is a Quinceañera Mass?

During the Mass, the quinceañera receives Holy Communion, consecrates herself to the Blessed Virgin Mary, presents our Blessed Mother with a bouquet of flowers, and receives gifts that are blessed by the priest. The quinceañera may be accompanied by fifteen young men and women (damas and chambelanes) of her choice, or she may choose to be the only participant at the Mass. If she chooses to have damas and chambelanes, they all enter the church in a procession, together with the young woman’s parents and godparents, in the presence of the quinceañera’s family and friends.

After the readings, the quinceañera renews her Baptismal promises, commits to living her life according to the teachings of the Church, and consecrates herself to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Then, gifts which are usually signs of faith (rosary, Bible, medal, etc.), and have been blessed by the priest, may be given to her. Towards the end of the Mass, the quinceañera will say the following prayer, which beautifully sums up the meaning of the ceremony:

Heavenly Father, I thank you for the gift of life, for creating me in your image and likeness, and for calling me to be your daughter through Baptism. Thank you for sending your Son Jesus to save me and your Holy Spirit to sanctify me. To that which in your goodness and love you will for me, I say “yes,” with your grace I commit myself to serve my brothers and sisters all my life. Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, I dedicate myself to you. Since you are my model of faith, help me to continue learning from you what I need to be a Christian woman. Help me to hear the Word of God as you did, holding it in my heart and loving others, so that, as I walk with Jesus in this life, I may worship him with you in all eternity. Amen.

After making this commitment, the quinceañera receives a special blessing, (The Blessing of the Quinceañera) which can be given in both English and Spanish by the priest or a deacon. After the blessing, the young woman is presented to the community.

The Mass is the most important part of the celebration. The parents of the quinceañera approach their parish church to give thanks to God for their daughter’s life and ask for a special blessing for her daughter as she prepares to enter adulthood. This celebration can be of positive value for the parish, serving as an example for other young people to become committed Christians, and seek the guidance and example of the humility of our Blessed Mother.

After Mass, a celebration may follow either at a house or hall. What happens at the party may vary depending on the culture, but traditionally there is a dance between the quinceañera and her father, which symbolizes the importance of a strong relationship between father and daughter in a young woman’s development and growth. She is also given her last doll, showing that she is no longer a child but a young woman.

Although not required, the quinceañera and the other young people who may participate in the ceremony could be asked to attend a special retreat prior to the day of the celebration. The retreat might include activities and tasks, together with prayer and the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Talks on the role of women in society, and an invitation to become active members of the parish might also be included. The purpose of this special retreat is to emphasize the religious component of the fiesta de quince años, and to remind the quinceañera, how important it is to have a relationship with God, at all stages of life. Quinceañera is not a substitute for the Sacrament of Confirmation, but a rite that complements it. The special blessing the quinceañera receives at the end of the Holy Mass prepares her to take on the new responsibilities that come with adulthood.

In a society that constantly invites young people to strive for money, fame, success, material things, etc., in the celebration of Quinceañera, the Church offers you, a young Catholic woman, an opportunity to reflect on your role in the Church and in society as a whole. It is especially important to keep this Christian focus in mind throughout this beautiful event, otherwise, it will be easy to miss the point of this celebration and miss out on an opportunity to bear witness to our Faith to others. This celebration can send a powerful religious message, not only to the young people involved, but also to parents, godparents, and the parish itself, as they all join you in prayer to make a commitment to God and the Church, to be a true disciple of Christ.

Why Is Quinceañera Preparation Required?

A quinceañera is both a wonderful cultural event as well as a religious milestone in a young woman's life. Preparing for this event includes reviewing the Faith, understanding its role in our life, and reflecting on our own vocation in life.

What is Included in's Quinceañera Preparation Class?

The online Quinceañera Preparation Program is designed to prepare girls for their Quinceañera. This program focuses on understanding the importance of the Quinceañera from a religious perspective, which ensures that the student understands the basics of the Catholic Faith before this life milestone. Focus is put on the Sacraments and the future responsibilities post-Quinceañera for the girl. Girls will study a refresher of the tenets of the Catholic Faith and the purpose of life, understand the importance of living a holy life as a young woman, and why the celebration of the quince años is so important in a young Catholic woman's life.

What are Quinceañera Classes?

The Quinceañera Preparation Program is a series of 5 online lessons each designed to take approximately 30 minutes — 1 hour to complete. Each lesson combines prayers, Scripture, Catechism passages, and Church teaching as part of a holistic way to transmit the Faith. Concrete ways to live out a Catholic life as a young woman are in each lesson.

Are Certificates of Completion Available?

Yes, those who complete the program may order a certificate of completion to present to their parish. Standard processing time is only 2 – 3 days after completing the lessons but we even have the option for expedited processing which will allow you to receive your certificate within 24 hours guaranteed!