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Online Catholic Marriage Preparation

Catholic Marriage Prep Class


What Are Catholic Marriage Classes?

All dioceses require couples to undergo courses for marriage preparation. Holy Matrimony is a life-long commitment and a Sacrament. Because it is a Sacrament, it actual confers God's grace on those who are married. For that reason and because it is irrevocable, Catholic couples must be prepared before entering into a marital union. These classes are often called pre-cana classes.

What Is Pre Cana Catholic Class?

Pre-Cana is a marriage preparation program required by the Catholic Church for couples who are planning to marry in the Church. The term "Pre-Cana" refers to the Wedding Feast at Cana, where Jesus performed His first miracle of turning water into wine (John 2:1-12). The goal of the Pre-Cana program is to help couples reflect on the spiritual, emotional, and practical aspects of marriage to ensure they are prepared for the sacrament.

What Do Catholic Marriage Classes Consist Of?

Catholic marriage preparation classes like those offered by focus on marriage as a Sacrament and not a mere civil ceremony. Classes cover the purpose of marriage, the duties of husbands and wives, the importance of Catholic weddings, the Church's teaching on contraception and natural family planning, and more. Couples will consider family goals, financial goals, conflict resolution, and much more. The Church's teaching on natural family planning (NFP) is discussed, emphasizing respect for the procreative and unitive aspects of marriage. Couples are also guided on how to manage finances together, which is an important aspect of marital life.

Are There Online Catholic Marriage Classes? is proud to present a highly affordable course. The Marriage Preparation Program is meant to serve as a complete Catholic marriage preparation course. The course draws upon the writings of the Popes, the official teachings of the Catechism, the Scriptures, and the book "Marriage in the Heart and Mind of the Church" by Preston E. Wiggins.

How Long Are Catholic Classes for Marriage?

Catholic marriage classes can range from several sessions to one single class. The online Catholic Marriage Class is designed to take no more than 4 - 5 hours. This course is for individuals who are already confirmed Catholics. Someone looking to receive Holy Matrimony who is not Catholic should first become Catholic through RCIA classes.

Is Confirmation Required for Catholic Marriage?

If you have not yet received the Sacrament of Confirmation, you must first receive Confirmation. With only limited exceptions, Catholics who receive Holy Matrimony must be confirmed. If you need to first study for Confirmation, use our Course Selector to determine which courses of ours will help prepare you. We also happily provide Confirmation Preparation courses.

I am Confirmed. How can I Take An Online Marriage Preparation Class?

Click here to visit our product page and easily sign up. The entire course is on your own schedule. Finish it as quickly or slowly as you like. Enrollment is always open. The self-study course is designed to work on your schedule. Many other organizations offer online marriage classes that only consists of videos and worksheets, while costing over $100 more than our course. We believe marriage preparation should be convenient, include more than just videos, should focus on the true Catholic understanding of marriage, and be affordable for absolutely everyone.

Does Offer Marriage Preparation Certificates of Completion?

Yes! All after completing the course you will be able to request a certificate of completion that will be emailed to you.