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Catholic Natural Family Planning Prep

Price: $29.99

Each person needing to be named on the certificate of completion needs his/her own account. Materials can not be shared by more than one person. All persons expecting a certificate must make his/her own purchase.

By purchasing Catholic Natural Family Planning Prep you save $9.91 versus the combined cost of the individual lessons




Product Description

In this course, we learn of the Church's position and teachings as they relate to issues of ethical importance. has prepared the lessons that are a part of this program as a preparation aid for couples to understand the Church's infallible teaching against artificial contraception and abortion while also sharing the Church's view on Natural Family Planning (NFP). Through reading and videos, we will learn why artificial contraception is evil and how natural family planning differs from artificial contraception. Resources on practicing NFP will also be provided for two NFP methods - the Marquette Method and the Billings Ovulation Method. Learn what the Church teaches and why Holy Mother Church rightfully upholds the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death.

This Course, written by the Legislative Director of the Pennsylvania Pro-life Federation, is a preeminent online NFP class for Catholics. The total time required to complete the course is approximately 2 - 3 hours.

Access to the course never expires. Even long after you complete the course, you will have access to the content so you can reference it and use it for years in the future! The tools and method resources presented can be a long-term aid, in addition to understanding the key times when NFP may and may not be practiced. This key difference is critically important or else NFP is simply just contraception which is seriously sinful.

Those who complete the course may receive a certificate of completion in Natural Family Planning Preparation. Certificates are issued upon request within only 2 - 3 days after completing the course requirements. We can even offer same-day certificate preparation for a small additional charge if needed.

Those who are looking to earn a Certificate in Marriage Preparation (Pre-Cana and Natural Family Planning together) should enroll in the Marriage Preparation Program which contains these NFP lessons in addition to a series of lessons on the Theology of Matrimony with practical, real-world considerations of marriage for Catholics.

Catholic Natural Family Planning Prep contains all of these lessons:

Catholic Natural Family Planning Prep is part of the following Package(s):

Purchase this Course in a package with other Courses and save even more !