Adult Faith Formation Package Level II
Price: $129.95
By purchasing Adult Faith Formation Package Level II you save $151.58 versus the combined cost of the individual lessons

Product Description
Building upon the materials in the Adult Faith Formation Package, the Adult Faith Formation Level II Program is designed to take students to the next level in Faith Formation. This course includes the next level in Adult Faith Formation with courses on Christianity, the Precepts of the Church, Mariology, Morality from a Catholic perspective, and a wonderful course on how to develop a prayer life. This course is ideal for those who are a beginner to intermediate in their knowledge of the Catholic Faith.
Adult Faith Formation Package Level II contains the following Core Courses:
- Introduction to Religion #1: The Most Holy Trinity
- Introduction to Religion #2: The Apostles Creed
- Introduction to Religion #3: The Holy Bible
- Introduction to Religion #4: Sacred Tradition
- Introduction to Religion #5: Blessed Virgin Mary
- Introduction to Religion #6: Lives of the Saints
- Introduction to Religion #7: The Holy Mass
- Introduction to Religion #8: Prayer, Spirituality, and Devotions
- Introduction to Religion #9: Living a Catholic Life
- Introduction to Religion #10: Forgiveness of Sins
- Precepts #1: Mass Attendance on Sunday and Holy Days
- Precepts #2: Fasting and Abstinence
- Precepts #3: Confess Sins Once a Year
- Precepts #4: Receive Holy Communion During the Easter Season
- Precepts #5: To contribute to the Support of the Church
- Precepts #6: Observe the Laws of Holy Matrimony
- Precepts #7: Participate in the Evangelization of Souls
- Prayer #1: Our Father
- Prayer #2: Ways to Pray: Vocal Prayer, Mental Prayer, Lectio Divina, and Contemplation
- Prayer #3: Adoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving, Supplication
- Prayer #4: Liturgical Prayer
- Prayer #5: Marian Prayer
- Prayer #6: Saint Ignatius' Spiritual Exercises
- Prayer #7: St. Francis de Sales and the Devout Life
- Prayer #8: St. Teresa of Avila & Carmelite Spirituality
- Prayer #9: The Divine Office & Third Orders
- Prayer #10: Imitation of Christ
- Mary #1: The Popes Speak of Mary
- Mary #2: The Life of Mary: Virgin, Mother, Queen, Guide
- Mary #3: Lourdes and Fatima
- Mary #4: Our Lady of Guadalupe and Our Lady of Good Success
- Mary #5: Miraculous Medal, Knock, and La Salette
- Mary #6: Mariology of the Saints
- Mary #7: Marian Devotions Part 1
- Mary #8: Marian Devotions Part 2
- Mary #9: Marian Feast Days, Shrines, and Organizations
- Mary #10: Marian Apologetics
- Moral Life #1: Man's Betrayal of his Creator
- Moral Life #2: Personal Freedom and Morality - Judging Our Personal Acts
- Moral Life #3: Beginning to Understand Sin and Morality
- Moral Life #4: Sin and Morality The Virtues: Part 1
- Moral Life #5: The Virtues: Part 2
- Moral Life #6: The Two Kinds of Grace
- Moral Life #7: The Fullness of the Holy Ghost
- Moral Life #8: The Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Ghost
- Moral Life #9: Putting It All Together
- Moral Life #10: The Beatitudes: The Heart of Catholic Morality
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