Precepts of the Church
Price: $29.95
By purchasing Precepts of the Church you save $11.98 versus the combined cost of the individual lessons

Product Description
Catholics are bound to observe the laws of the Church, in addition to the Ten Commandments. Many of these additional laws have been long established and observed by the Faithful for centuries. All together, the Deposit of Faith, that which a Catholic must believe in order to truly be a Catholic, requires Catholics to observe the Precepts of the Church.
The Precepts of the Church are not all inclusive in terms of the rules for living a Catholic life. There are other laws that Catholics are bound to observe that are not listed in the Precepts of the Church.
The Precepts of the Church are the six principal ones, that is, the six ones with which Catholics should ordinary be concerned, since they ordinarily occur in a person’s life. Through this course we will study the precepts in depth to understand the need for the precepts, what the precepts require of us, and why they are so important.
All CatechismClass Lessons follow our time-tested 7 Step format: Introduction, Opening Prayers, Scripture and Commentary, Catechism Passages, Integration of the Lesson Topic, an activity, and a closing prayer.
- Precepts #1: Mass Attendance on Sunday and Holy Days
- Precepts #2: Fasting and Abstinence
- Precepts #3: Confess Sins Once a Year
- Precepts #4: Receive Holy Communion During the Easter Season
- Precepts #5: To contribute to the Support of the Church
- Precepts #6: Observe the Laws of Holy Matrimony
- Precepts #7: Participate in the Evangelization of Souls
Precepts of the Church is part of the following Package(s):
- Adult Faith Formation Package Level II
- Complete All Access Pass
- All Access Pass - Adults
- Catechist Training Program
Purchase this Course in a package with other Courses and save even more !