Young Adult RCIA
Price: $99.95
By purchasing Young Adult RCIA you save $210.49 versus the combined cost of the individual lessons
Product Description
RCIC refers to the"Rite of Christian Initiation for Children." This is a newer term than RCIA which refers to the "Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults." RCIC is the process for children to be baptized and enter the Catholic Church who have not been baptized as an infant but are now passed the age of reason and know right and wrong and can thus commit actual sins. It is sometimes called the "Rite of Christian Initiation Adapted for Children." Baptism is the life-giving Sacrament instituted by our Lord to remove original sin (and all actual sin up to that time) from our souls. It is the means by which we become members of God's Church and are incorporated into His Mystical Body. Baptism is necessary for salvation, so we should never delay in having our children baptized. However, circumstances occur that prevent children from being baptized as infants. Thankfully, RCIC is how these children can receive the life-giving Sacrament of Baptism and become members of the Catholic Church.
Our Young Adult RCIA Class (i.e., RCIA Adapted for Children Program) is meant to prepare a child for either Baptism or Confirmation. It is also used by young Catholics who need to catch up for several years of missed religious education. This course includes around 150 self-paced lessons and is intended to be used by children who are between the ages of 8 and 15, though it may be used by older children as well who do not have a solid foundation yet in the Catholic Faith.
In this course, you will learn:- The elements in the Apostles' Creed and an explanation of all 12 articles of the Creed
- A study of the Seven Sacraments
- An explanation of the role of the Church in God's plan of salvation
- A study of the Commandments of God and of the Church
- An explanation of the Holy Mass
- A study of the Old and New Testaments
- Much more! This is the most complete RCIC (i.e. RCIA Adapted for Children) program out there and it's also user-friendly and includes all quiz grading and record-keeping in the price! Students may complete all lessons at their own pace.
All CatechismClass Lessons follow our time-tested 7 Step format: Introduction, Opening Prayers, Scripture and Commentary, Catechism Passages, Integration of the Lesson Topic, an activity, and a closing prayer. Each lesson ends with a quiz to assess student performance. Upon completion of all of the lessons, your student may receive a Certificate of Completion.
Young Adult RCIA contains the following Core Courses:
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 1: Creed: God the Father
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 2: Creed: Jesus Christ
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 3: Creed: The Most Holy Trinity
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 4: Creed: Mary
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 5: Creed: Passion of Christ
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 6: Creed: Descended unto the Dead
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 7: Creed: Jesus Seated at God's Right Hand
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 8: Creed: Holy Ghost
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 9: Creed: The Holy Catholic Church
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 10: Creed: Communion of Saints
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 11: Creed: Forgiveness of Sins
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 12: Creed: Resurrection of the Body
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 13: Ten Commandments: 1st Commandment
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 14: Ten Commandments: 2nd Commandment
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 15: Ten Commandments: 3rd Commandment
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 16: Ten Commandments: 4th Commandment
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 17: Ten Commandments: 5th Commandment
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 18: Ten Commandments: 6th Commandment
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 19: Ten Commandments: 7th Commandment
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 20: Ten Commandments: 8th Commandment
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 21: Ten Commandments: 9th Commandment
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 22: Ten Commandments: 10th Commandment
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 23: Two Great Commandments
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 24: Precepts of the Church
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 25: Beatitudes
- Young Persons Study of the Apostles Creed: Lesson 26: The Sacraments
- Young Persons Study of the Church & the 7 Sacraments: Lesson 1: Sacraments: Grace
- Young Persons Study of the Church & the 7 Sacraments: Lesson 2: Sacraments: Matter and Form
- Young Persons Study of the Church & the 7 Sacraments: Lesson 3: Sacraments: Sacraments of Initiation
- Young Persons Study of the Church & the 7 Sacraments: Lesson 4: Sacraments: Baptism
- Young Persons Study of the Church & the 7 Sacraments: Lesson 5: Sacraments: Confirmation
- Young Persons Study of the Church & the 7 Sacraments: Lesson 6: Sacraments: Eucharist Part I
- Young Persons Study of the Church & the 7 Sacraments: Lesson 7: Sacraments: Eucharist Part II
- Young Persons Study of the Church & the 7 Sacraments: Lesson 8: Sacraments: Eucharist Part III
- Young Persons Study of the Church & the 7 Sacraments: Lesson 9: Sacraments: Confession Part I: Sin
- Young Persons Study of the Church & the 7 Sacraments: Lesson 10: Sacraments: Confession Part II: Foregiveness
- Young Persons Study of the Church & the 7 Sacraments: Lesson 11: Sacraments: Confession Part III: Priests
- Young Persons Study of the Church & the 7 Sacraments: Lesson 12: Sacraments: Confession Part IV: How to Go to Confession
- Young Persons Study of the Church & the 7 Sacraments: Lesson 13: Sacraments: Holy Orders
- Young Persons Study of the Church & the 7 Sacraments: Lesson 14: Sacraments: Holy Matrimony
- Young Persons Study of the Church & the 7 Sacraments: Lesson 15: Sacraments: Anointing of the Sick
- Young Persons Study of the Church & the 7 Sacraments: Lesson 16: Sacramentals
- Young Persons Study of the Church & the 7 Sacraments: Lesson 17: Vocations
- Young Persons Study of the Church & the 7 Sacraments: Lesson 18: Prayer
- Young Persons Study of the Church & the 7 Sacraments: Lesson 19: Our Father
- Young Persons Study of the Church & the 7 Sacraments: Lesson 20: Sacrifice of the Mass
- Young Persons Study of the Church & the 7 Sacraments: Lesson 21: Divine Office & Liturgical Year
- Young Persons Study of the Church & the 7 Sacraments: Lesson 22: Rosary, Vocal & Mental Prayer
- Young Persons Study of the Church & the 7 Sacraments: Lesson 23: Cardinal Sins
- Young Persons Study of the Church & the 7 Sacraments: Lesson 24: Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy
- Young Persons Study of the Church & the 7 Sacraments: Lesson 25: Theological and Moral Virtues
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 1: Creed: God the Father
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 2: Creed: Jesus Christ
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 3: Creed: The Most Holy Trinity
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 4: Creed: Mary
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 5: Creed: Passion of Christ
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 6: Creed: Descended unto the Dead
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 7: Creed: Jesus Seated at God's Right Hand
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 8: Creed: Holy Ghost
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 9: Creed: The Holy Catholic Church
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 10: Creed: Communion of Saints
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 11: Creed: Forgiveness of Sins
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 12: Creed: Resurrection of the Body
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 13: Ten Commandments: 1st Commandment
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 14: Ten Commandments: 2nd Commandment
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 15: Ten Commandments: 3rd Commandment
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 16: Ten Commandments: 4th Commandment
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 17: Ten Commandments: 5th Commandment
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 18: Ten Commandments: 6th Commandment
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 19: Ten Commandments: 7th Commandment
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 20: Ten Commandments: 8th Commandment
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 21: Ten Commandments: 9th Commandment
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 22: Ten Commandments: 10th Commandment
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 23: Two Great Commandments
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 24: Precepts of the Church
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 25: Beatitudes
- Young Persons Study of the Commandments of God and the Church: Lesson 26: The Sacraments
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 1: Sacraments: Grace
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 2: Sacraments: Matter and Form
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 3: Sacraments: Sacraments of Initiation
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 4: Sacraments: Baptism
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 5: Sacraments: Confirmation
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 6: Sacraments: Eucharist Part I
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 7: Sacraments: Eucharist Part II
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 8: Sacraments: Eucharist Part III
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 9: Sacraments: Confession Part I: Sin
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 10: Sacraments: Confession Part II: Foregiveness
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 11: Sacraments: Confession Part III: Priests
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 12: Sacraments: Confession Part IV: How to Go to Confession
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 13: Sacraments: Holy Orders
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 14: Sacraments: Holy Matrimony
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 15: Sacraments: Extreme Unction
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 16: Sacramentals
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 17: Vocations
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 18: Prayer
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 19: Our Father
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 20: The Most Holy Mass
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 21: Divine Office & Liturgical Year
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 22: Rosary--Vocal & Mental Prayer
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 23: Capital Sins
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 24: Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 25: Theological and Moral Virtues
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 26: Members of the Church and Papal Infallibility
- Young Persons Study of the Mass & the Sacraments: Lesson 27: Canonizations and Beatifications
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 1: Old Testament: Creation
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 2: Old Testament: Noah and the Great Flood
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 3: Old Testament: Tower of Babel
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 4: Old Testament: Abraham and Isaac
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 5: Old Testament: Jacob
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 6: Old Testament: Joseph and the Famine
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 7: Old Testament: Moses and the Ten Commandments
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 8: Old Testament: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 9: Kings Saul, David, and Solomon
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 10: Life of Christ: Annunciation
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 11: Life of Christ: Visitation
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 12: Life of Christ: Nativity
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 13: Life of Christ: Presentation in the Temple
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 14: Life of Christ: Finding of Christ in the Temple
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 15: Life of Christ: Baptism of Christ
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 16: Life of Christ: Wedding at Cana
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 17: Life of Christ: Proclamation of the Kingdom of God
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 18: Life of Christ: Transfiguration
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 19: Life of Christ: Institution of the Eucharist
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 20: Life of Christ: Agony in the Garden
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 21: Life of Christ: Scourging at the Pillar
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 22: Life of Christ: Crowning with Thorns
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 23: Life of Christ: Carrying of the Cross
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 24: Life of Christ: Crucifixion
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 25: Life of Christ: Resurrection
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 26: Life of Christ: Ascension
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 27: Life of Christ: Pentecost
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 28: Life of Christ: Assumption
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 29: Life of Christ: Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Young Persons Guide to the Holy Scriptures: Lesson 30: Life of Christ: The Blessed Virgin Mary Still Helping People
- Young Persons Guide to Morality: Lesson 1: Introduction to Morality
- Young Persons Guide to Morality: Lesson 2: History of Morality
- Young Persons Guide to Morality: Lesson 3: Morality and Conscience
- Young Persons Guide to Morality: Lesson 4: Conscience Formation and the Ten Commandments 1-3
- Young Persons Guide to Morality: Lesson 5: Conscience Formation and the Ten Commandments 4-10
- Young Persons Guide to Morality: Lesson 6: The Beatitudes and the Marks of a Moral Life, Part 1
- Young Persons Guide to Morality: Lesson 7: The Beatitudes and the Marks of a Moral Life, Part 2
- Young Persons Guide to Morality: Lesson 8: The Beatitudes and the Marks of a Moral Life, Part 3
- Young Persons Guide to Morality: Lesson 9: The Beatitudes and the Marks of a Moral Life, Part 4
- Young Persons Guide to Morality: Lesson 10: The Beatitudes and the Marks of a Moral Life, Part 5
- Young Persons Guide to Morality: Lesson 11: The Beatitudes and the Marks of a Moral Life, Part 6
- Young Persons Guide to Morality: Lesson 12: Thomas a Kempis and the Imitation of Christ
- Young Persons Guide to Morality: Lesson 13: The Imitation of Christ, Book I, Chapter VII
- Young Persons Guide to Morality: Lesson 14: The Imitation of Christ, Book II, Chapter VI
- Young Persons Guide to Morality: Lesson 15: The Imitation of Christ, Book III, Chapter XII
- Young Persons Guide to Morality: Lesson 16: The Imitation of Christ, Book III, Chapter XLIV
- Young Persons Guide to Morality: Lesson 17: The Imitation of Christ, Book III, Chapter XXXVIII
- Young Persons Guide to Morality: Lesson 18: Introduction to Amorality and the Modern Philosophy of Evil
- Young Persons Guide to Morality: Lesson 19: Moral Relativism in the 21st Century, Part I
- Young Persons Guide to Morality: Lesson 20: Moral Relativism in the 21st Century, Part II
- Young Persons Guide to Morality: Lesson 21: Practical Ways to Live a Moral Life
- Young Persons Guide to Morality: Lesson 22: Morality and Miracles