Miracles of the Catholic Church
Price: $29.95
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Product Description
The Catholic Church is the great bastion of miracles. We have numerous miracles testifying to the authenticity of the Catholic Faith:
- The stigmata: Dozens of saints have had the visible marks of Christ on their bodies.
- Eucharistic miracles: We have dozens of miracles, some of which have been scientifically examined, testifying to the truth that the Eucharistic Host is actually Christ's flesh and blood.
- Incorruptible Saints: We also have over 150 incorruptible saints whose incorruptibly defies all of science.
- Miracles Worked Through the Saints: The blood of St. Januarius frequently liquefies. Throughout the centuries thousands of reported miracles have occurred at the tombs of the saints. St. Benedict and St. Dominic, among others, by the power of God resurrected people from the dead. St. Padre Pio, St. Gregory the Wonderworker, St. Charbel, and countless others have performed miracles. The Miracles of the Saints are numerous enough to fill volumes of books. Over 400 saints have raised the dead to life.
- The Miracles Performed through the Blessed Virgin Mary: Over 70 people are been healed of incurable diseases in the waters of Lourdes. The Miracle of the Sun at Fatima was witnessed by over 70,000 people. And we have many miracles of the Rosary including the Miracle at Hiroshima. Many other such Rosary miracles have occurred. The Miraculous Medal and the Brown Scapular continue to work miracles up to this day unexplained by science.
In this course, we explore these and many more miracles to understand how we can know that the Catholic Faith is the divinely established religion. We also study the Church's teaching on what a miracle is and what a miracle is not. We will also carefully examine both the Old and New Testaments for what they teach us about miracles. This course goes beyond intellectual arguments and reasoning, which is often the focus of Apologetics, and shows God's works among us, some of which have even occurred in our own lifetimes.
All CatechismClass Lessons follow our time-tested 7 Step format: Introduction, Opening Prayers, Scripture and Commentary, Catechism Passages, Integration of the Lesson Topic, an activity, and a closing prayer.
- Miracles #1: Miracles in Sacred Scripture
- Miracles #2: The Lives of the Martyrs 33 to 400 AD
- Miracles #3: The Lives of the Martyrs 400 AD to Present
- Miracles #4: The Stigmata
- Miracles #5: The Miracles of Modern Saints
- Miracles #6: The Incorruptibles
- Miracles #7: The Miracles of the Holy Rosary
- Miracles #8: The Apparitions of Our Blessed Mother
- Miracles #9: The Raising of the Dead
- Miracles #10: Eucharistic Miracles
Other Courses similar to Miracles of the Catholic Church:
- The Life of Christ in the New Testament
- The 12 Articles of the Creed
- Understanding Catholic Prayer and Spirituality
- Apologetics 101
- Introduction to Catholicism
Miracles of the Catholic Church is part of the following Package(s):
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