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✠ The Douay-Rheims Bible

✠ Sirach 29

The Old Testament
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The New Testament
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SIR 29:1  He that sheweth mercy, lendeth to his neighbour: and he that is stronger in hand, keepeth the commandments.

SIR 29:2  Lend to thy neighbour in the time of his need, and pay thou thy neighbour again in due time.

SIR 29:3  Reap thy word, and deal faithfully with him: and thou shalt always find that which is necessary for thee.

SIR 29:4  Many have looked upon a thing lent as a thing found, and have given trouble to them that helped them.

SIR 29:5  Till they receive, they kiss the hands of the lender, and in promises they humble their voice:

SIR 29:6  But when they should repay, they will ask time, and will return tedious and murmuring words, and will complain of the time:

SIR 29:7  And if he be able to pay, he will stand off, he will scarce pay one half, and will count it as if he had found it:

SIR 29:8  But if not, he will defraud him of his money, and he shall get him for an enemy without cause:

SIR 29:9  And he will pay him with reproaches and curses, and instead of honour and good turn will repay him injuries.

SIR 29:10  Many have refused to lend, not out of wickedness, but they were afraid to be defrauded without cause.

SIR 29:11  But yet towards the poor be thou more hearty, and delay not to shew him mercy.

SIR 29:12  Help the poor because of the commandment: and send him not away empty handed because of his poverty.

SIR 29:13  Lose thy money for thy brother and thy friend: and hide it not under a stone to be lost.

SIR 29:14  Place thy treasure in the commandments of the most High, and it shall bring thee more profit than gold.

SIR 29:15  Shut up alms in the heart of the poor, and it shall obtain help for thee against all evil.

SIR 29:16  Better than the shield of the mighty, and better than the spear:

SIR 29:17  It shall fight for thee against thy enemy.

SIR 29:18  A good man is surety for his neighbour: and he that hath lost shame, will leave him to himself.

SIR 29:19  Forget not the kindness of thy surety: for he hath given his life for thee.

SIR 29:20  The sinner and the unclean fleeth from his surety.

SIR 29:21  A sinner attributeth to himself the goods of his surety: and he that is of an unthankful mind will leave him that delivered him.

SIR 29:22  A man is surety for his neighbour: and when he hath lost all shame, he shall forsake him.

SIR 29:23  Evil suretyship hath undone many of good estate, and hath tossed them as a wave of the sea.

SIR 29:24  It hath made powerful men to go from place to place round about, and they have wandered in strange countries.

SIR 29:25  A sinner that transgresseth the commandment of the Lord, shall fall into an evil suretyship: and he that undertaketh many things, shall fall into judgment.

SIR 29:26  Recover thy neighbour according to thy power, and take heed to thyself that thou fall not.

SIR 29:27  The chief thing for man’s life is water and bread, and clothing, and a house to cover shame.

SIR 29:28  Better is the poor man’s fare under a roof of boards, than sumptuous cheer abroad in another man’s house.

SIR 29:29  Be contented with little instead of much, and thou shalt not hear the reproach of going abroad.

SIR 29:30  It is a miserable life to go as a guest from house to house: for where a man is a stranger, he shall not deal confidently, nor open his mouth.

SIR 29:31  He shall entertain and feed, and give drink to the unthankful, and moreover he shall hear bitter words.

SIR 29:32  Go, stranger, and furnish the table, and give others to eat what thou hast in thy hand.

SIR 29:33  Give place to the honourable presence of my friends: for I want my house, my brother being to be lodged with me.


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