✠ The Douay-Rheims Bible

✠ 1 Chronicles 1

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1 CHRON 1:1  Adam, Seth, Enos,

1 CHRON 1:2  Cainan, Malaleel, Jared,

1 CHRON 1:3  Henoc, Mathusale, Lamech,

1 CHRON 1:4  Noe, Sem, Cham, and Japheth.

1 CHRON 1:5  The sons of Japheth: Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, Thubal, Mosoch, Thiras.

1 CHRON 1:6  And the sons of Gomer: Ascenez, and Riphath, and Thogorma.

1 CHRON 1:7  And the sons of Javan: Elisa and Tharsis, Cethim and Dodanim.

1 CHRON 1:8  The sons of Cham: Chus, and Mesrai, and Phut, and Chaanan.

1 CHRON 1:9  And the sons of Chus: Saba, and Hevila, Sabatha, and Regma, and Sabathaca. And the sons of Regma: Saba, and Dadan.

1 CHRON 1:10  Now Chus begot Nemrod: he began to be mighty upon earth.

1 CHRON 1:11  But Mesraim begot Ludim, and Anamim, and Laabim, and Nephtuim,

1 CHRON 1:12  Phetrusim also, and Casluim: from whom came the Philistines, and Caphtorim.

1 CHRON 1:13  And Chanaan beget Sidon his firstborn, and the Hethite,

1 CHRON 1:14  And the Jebusite, and the Amorrhite, and the Gergesite,

1 CHRON 1:15  And the Hevite, and the Aracite, and the Sinite,

1 CHRON 1:16  And the Aradian, and the Samarite, and the Hamathite.

1 CHRON 1:17  The sons of Sem: Elam and Asur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram, and Hus, and Hul, and Gether, and Mosoch.

1 CHRON 1:18  And Arphaxad beget Sale, and Sale beget Heber.

1 CHRON 1:19  And to Heber were born two sons, the name of the one was Phaleg, because In his days the earth was divided; and the name of his brother was Jectan.

1 CHRON 1:20  And Jectan beget Elmodad, and Saleph, and Asarmoth, and Jare,

1 CHRON 1:21  And Adoram, and Usal, and Decla,

1 CHRON 1:22  And Hebal, and Abimael, and Saba,

1 CHRON 1:23  And Ophir, and Hevila, and Jobab. All these are the sons of Jectan.

1 CHRON 1:24  Sem, Arphaxad, Sale,

1 CHRON 1:25  Heber, Phaleg, Ragau,

1 CHRON 1:26  Serug, Nachor, Thare,

1 CHRON 1:27  Abram, this is Abraham.

1 CHRON 1:28  And the sons of Abraham, Isaac and Ismahel.

1 CHRON 1:29  And these are the generations of them. The firstborn of Ismahel, Nabajoth, then Cedar, and Adbeel, and Mabsam,

1 CHRON 1:30  And Masma, and Duma, Massa, Hadad, and Thema,

1 CHRON 1:31  Jetur, Naphis, Cedma: these are the sons of Ismahel.

1 CHRON 1:32  And the sons of Cetura, Abraham’s concubine, whom she bore: Zamran, Jecsan, Madan, Madian, Jesboc, and Sue. And the sons of Jecsan, Saba, and Dadan. And the sons of Dadan: Assurim, and Latussim, and Laomin.

1 CHRON 1:33  And the sons of Madian: Epha, and Epher, and Henoch, and Abida, and Eldaa. All these are the sons of Cetura.

1 CHRON 1:34  And Abraham beget Isaac: and his sons were Esau and Israel.

1 CHRON 1:35  The sons of Esau: Eliphaz, Rahuel, Jehus, Ihelom, and Core.

1 CHRON 1:36  The sons of Eliphaz: Theman, Omar, Sephi, Gathan, Cenez, and by Thamna, Amalec.

1 CHRON 1:37  The sons of Rahuel: Nahath, Zara, Samma, Meza.

1 CHRON 1:38  The sons of Seir: Lotan. Sobal, Sebeen, Ana, Dison, Eser, Disan.

1 CHRON 1:39  The sons of Lotan: Hori, Homam. And the sister of Lotan was Thamna.

1 CHRON 1:40  The sons of Sobal: Alian, and Manahath, and Ebal, Sephi and Onam. The sons of Sebeon: Aia, and Ana. The son of Ana: Dison.

1 CHRON 1:41  The sons of Dison: Hamram, and Eseban, and Jethran, and Charan.

1 CHRON 1:42  The sons of Eser: Balaan, and Zavan, and Jacan. The sons of Disan: Hus and Aran.

1 CHRON 1:43  Now these are the kings that reigned in the land of Edom, before there was a king over the children of Israel: Bale the son of Beer: and the name of his city was Denaba.

1 CHRON 1:44  And Bale died, and Jobab the son of Zare of Bosra, reigned in his stead.

1 CHRON 1:45  And when Jobab also was dead, Husam of the land of the Themanites reigned in his stead.

1 CHRON 1:46  And Husam also died, and Adad the son of Badad reigned in his stead, and he defeated the Madianites in the land of Moab: and the name of his city was Avith.

1 CHRON 1:47  And when Adad also was dead, Semla of Masreca reigned in his stead.

1 CHRON 1:48  Semla also died, and Saul of Rohoboth, which is near the river, reigned in his stead.

1 CHRON 1:49  And when Saul was dead, Balanan the son of Achobor reigned in his stead.

1 CHRON 1:50  He also died, and Adad reigned in his stead: and the name of his city was Phau, and his wife was called Meetabel the daughter of Matred, the daughter of Mezaab.

1 CHRON 1:51  And after the death of Adad, there began to be dukes in Edom instead of kings: duke Thamna, duke Alva, duke Jetheth,

1 CHRON 1:52  Duke Oolibama, duke Ela, duke Phinon,

1 CHRON 1:53  Duke Cenez, duke Theman, duke Mabsar,

1 CHRON 1:54  Duke Magdiel, duke Hiram. These are the dukes of Edom.

1 Chronicles

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