✠ The Douay-Rheims Bible

✠ Psalms 80

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PS 80:1  Unto the end, for the winepresses, a psalm for Asaph himself.

PS 80:2  Rejoice to God our helper: sing aloud to the God of Jacob.

PS 80:3  Take a psalm, and bring hither the timbrel: the pleasant psaltery with the harp.

PS 80:4  Blow up the trumpet on the new moon, on the noted day of your solemnity.

PS 80:5  For it is a commandment in Israel, and a judgment to the God of Jacob.

PS 80:6  He ordained it for a testimony in Joseph, when he came out of the land of Egypt: he heard a tongue which he knew not.

PS 80:7  He removed his back from the burdens: his hands had served in baskets.

PS 80:8  Thou calledst upon me in affliction, and I delivered thee: I heard thee in the secret place of tempest: I proved thee at the waters of contradiction.

PS 80:9  Hear, O my people, and I will testify to thee: O Israel, if thou wilt hearken to me,

PS 80:10  There shall be no new god in thee: neither shalt thou adore a strange god.

PS 80:11  For I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.

PS 80:12  But my people heard not my voice: and Israel hearkened not to me.

PS 80:13  So I let them go according to the desires of their heart: they shall walk in their own inventions.

PS 80:14  If my people had heard me: if Israel had walked in my ways:

PS 80:15  I should soon have humbled their enemies, and laid my hand on them that troubled them.

PS 80:16  The enemies of the Lord have lied to him: and their time shall be for ever.

PS 80:17  And he fed them with the fat of wheat, and filled them with honey out of the rock.


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