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✠ The Douay-Rheims Bible

✠ Numbers 29

The Old Testament
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The New Testament
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NUM 29:1  The first day also of the seventh month shall be venerable and holy unto you; you shall do no servile work therein, because it is the day of the sounding and of trumpets.

NUM 29:2  And you shall offer a holocaust for a most sweet odour to the Lord, one calf of the herd, one ram and seven lambs of a year old, without blemish.

NUM 29:3  And for their sacrifices, three tenths of flour tempered with oil to every calf, two tenths to a ram,

NUM 29:4  One tenth to a lamb, which in all are seven lambs:

NUM 29:5  And a buck goat for sin, which is offered for the expiation of the people,

NUM 29:6  Besides the holocaust of the first day of the month with the sacrifices thereof, and the perpetual holocaust with the accustomed libations. With the same ceremonies you shall offer a burnt sacrifice for a most sweet odour to the Lord.

NUM 29:7  The tenth day also of this seventh month shall be holy and venerable unto you, and you shall afflict your souls: you shall do no servile work therein.

NUM 29:8  And you shall offer a holocaust to the Lord for a most sweet odour, one calf of the herd, one ram, and seven lambs of a year old, without blemish:

NUM 29:9  And for their sacrifices, three tenths of flour tempered with oil to every calf, two tenths to a ram,

NUM 29:10  The tenth of a tenth to every lamb, which are in all seven lambs:

NUM 29:11  And a buck goat for sin, besides the things that are wont to be offered for sin, for expiation, and for the perpetual holocaust with their sacrifice and libations.

NUM 29:12  And on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, which shall be unto you holy and venerable, you shall do no servile work, but shall celebrate a solemnity to the Lord seven days.

NUM 29:13  And you shall offer a holocaust for a most sweet odour to the Lord, thirteen calves of the herd, two rams, and fourteen lambs of a year old, without blemish:

NUM 29:14  And for their libations three tenths of flour tempered with oil to every calf, being in all thirteen calves: and two tenths to each ram, being two rams,

NUM 29:15  And the tenth of a tenth to every lamb, being in all fourteen lambs:

NUM 29:16  And a buck goat for sin, besides the perpetual holocaust, and the sacrifice and the libation thereof.

NUM 29:17  On the second day you shall offer twelve calves of the herd, two rams and fourteen lambs of a year old, without blemish:

NUM 29:18  And the sacrifices and the libations for every one, for the calves and for the rams and for the lambs you shall duly celebrate:

NUM 29:19  And a buck goat for a sin offering besides the perpetual holocaust, and the sacrifice and the libation thereof.

NUM 29:20  The third day you shall offer eleven calves, two rams, and fourteen lambs of a year old, without blemish:

NUM 29:21  And the sacrifices and the libations of every one for the calves and for the rams and for the lambs you shall offer according to the rite:

NUM 29:22  And a buck goat for sin, besides the perpetual holocaust, and the sacrifice, and the libation thereof.

NUM 29:23  The fourth day you shall offer ten calves, two rams, and fourteen lambs of a year old, without blemish:

NUM 29:24  And the sacrifices and the libations of every one for the calves and for the rams and for the lambs you shall celebrate in right manner:

NUM 29:25  And a buck goat for sin, besides the perpetual holocaust, and the sacrifice and the libation thereof.

NUM 29:26  The fifth day you shall offer nine calves, two rams, and fourteen lambs of a year old, without blemish:

NUM 29:27  And the sacrifices and the libations of every one for the calves and for the rams and for the lambs you shall celebrate according to the rite:

NUM 29:28  And a buck goat for sin, besides the perpetual holocaust, and the sacrifice and the libation thereof.

NUM 29:29  The sixth day you shall offer eight calves, two rams, and fourteen lambs of a year old, without blemish:

NUM 29:30  And the sacrifices and the libations of every one for the calves and for the rams and for the lambs you shall celebrate according to the rite:

NUM 29:31  And a buck goat for sin, besides the perpetual holocaust, and the sacrifice and the libation thereof.

NUM 29:32  The seventh day you shall offer seven calves and two rams, and fourteen lambs of a year old, without blemish:

NUM 29:33  And the sacrifices and the libations of every one for the calves and for the rams and for the lambs you shall celebrate according to the rite:

NUM 29:34  And a buck goat for sin, besides the perpetual holocaust, and the sacrifice and the libation thereof.

NUM 29:35  On the eighth day, which is most solemn, you shall do no servile work:

NUM 29:36  But you shall offer a holocaust for a most sweet odour to the Lord, one calf, one ram, and seven lambs of a year old, without blemish:

NUM 29:37  And the sacrifices and the libations of every one for the calves and for the rams and for the lambs you shall celebrate according to the rite:

NUM 29:38  And a buck goat for sin, besides the perpetual holocaust, and the sacrifice and the libation thereof.

NUM 29:39  These things shall you offer to the Lord in your solemnities: besides your vows and voluntary oblations for holocaust, for sacrifice, for libation, and for victims of peace offerings.


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