Should I Be Confirmed Catholic?

Catholic Confirmation Class


What is Confirmation In the Catholic Church?

This Sacrament is called Confirmation from the Latin word “confirmare” meaning “to strengthen”, because the Faith given to a soul in Baptism is now confirmed and made strong. Sometimes, those who receive Confirmation are referred to as "soldiers of Christ". This is not a military designation but a spiritual duty to fight the war between good and evil, light and darkness — a war between the human race and all the powers of hell.

Why Become Confirmed?

This sacrament is called Confirmation, because the faith given in Baptism is now confirmed and made strong. Sometimes, those who benefit from Confirmation are referred to as "soldiers of Christ". This is not a military designation but a spiritual duty to fight the war between good and evil, light and darkness — a war between the human race and all the powers of hell. A Confirmed Catholic has the responsibility of serving Christ, our King and God, for the remainder of his life, and Confirmation completes the work in our souls that was begun at Baptism.

The Code of Canon Law for the Catholic Church summarizes why you should be confirmed: "The sacrament of confirmation strengthens the baptized and obliges them more firmly to be witnesses of Christ by word and deed and to spread and defend the faith. It imprints a character, enriches by the gift of the Holy Spirit the baptized continuing on the path of Christian initiation, and binds them more perfectly to the Church."

What are the Benefits of Confirmation?

Confirmation was not invented by the Church. It was instituted by Jesus Christ Himself. The benefits for this Sacrament are significant for the soul. As the Baltimore Catechism explains, "Confirmation is a Sacrament through which we receive the Holy Ghost to make us strong and perfect Christians and soldiers of Jesus Christ."

Is it a Sin to Not be Confirmed?

Baptism is necessary for salvation. Without Baptism, it is not possible to be a member of God's Church and not possible to merit Heaven. The same is not true for Confirmation strictly speaking since it is not absolutely required to be confirmed to enter Heaven. However, willfully neglecting Confirmation and spurning Confirmation as unnecessary or unimportant is a sin.

The Baltimore Catechism teaches this in Q 696: "Confirmation is not so necessary for salvation that we could not be saved without it, for it is not given to infants even in danger of death; nevertheless, there is a divine command obliging all to receive it, if possible. Persons who have not been confirmed in youth should make every effort to be confirmed later in life."

And in Q. 694 of the Baltimore Catechism they further explain, "It is a sin to neglect Confirmation, especially in these evil days when faith and morals are exposed to so many and such violent temptations."

What Do I Need to do to be Confirmed Catholic?

Persons of age simply need to know the chief doctrines of the Catholic Church. Persons must also be baptized since Baptism is the first Sacrament and is required before receiving any other Sacrament.

Am I Too Old to be Confirmed?

No! There is never an age that is too old to be confirmed. Even if you were not confirmed as a child, you are able to study for Confirmation as an adult and receive the Sacrament of Confirmation from your diocese's bishop (or a priest in his place). Many adults have taken part in the Adult Faith Formation Program to study for their Confirmation conveniently from home. Do not worry about being seen as too old. There is never a reason to think you are too old to receive the life-giving Sacrament of Confirmation. Do not worry about being too busy to study for Confirmation. There are many options out there. God wants you to be confirmed! He wants to give you His graces through Confirmation!

Are Protestant Confirmations Valid?

No. Since Protestants do not have valid apostolic succession, they do not have valid priests or valid chrism oil. Protestant ministers do not have the power to confirm your soul. If you were "confirmed" in a protestant ceremony your soul was not actually confirmed. You will need to be confirmed in the Catholic Church to receive the authentic Sacrament of Confirmation.

How Can I Study for My Confirmation Online?

Our programs generally allow our students to study at home and generally not to have to study in person at weekly set class times though acceptance of our class in lieu of an in-person Sacramental class at a parish is up to the pastor's discretion. Our programs are designed for our students to complete them at your own pace with convenient and reliable 24/7 online access.

After passing our Sacramental Preparation Coursework, our students will receive a Certificate. This certificate can be presented to your priest/parish to show passage of this year of religious education. Keep in mind though that only a validly ordained priest can administer the Sacraments. We provide comprehensive and complete Sacramental preparation — the learning that must occur before a priest will allow someone to receive the Sacraments. You will still need to have a priest of your choosing confirm you after passing our coursework.

If you are interested in studying for Confirmation online, please see our Frequently Asked Questions for more information. And finally, please use our Course Calculator to determine which course(s) you need to earn our completion certificate. The courses depend on a few factors and differ person to person.

Why Should I Be Confirmed Catholic?

Confirmation is a Sacrament and as such was started by Jesus Christ Himself. It is an incredible opportunity for us to enrich our souls. A Sacrament is a visible means by which God communicates His grace to us. In a world that is looking for purpose, God has given us this means to come to a greater knowledge of Him. Receive Confirmation as soon as possible in order to perfect the work begun at Baptism. Through Confirmation, the Gifts of the Holy Ghost are sealed and strengthened in your soul. Receive Confirmation because it is God's will!

Join us at and begin studying for Confirmation through our unique online programs.