Homeschool Level II - Grades 5 - 8
Price: $79.95
By purchasing Homeschool Level II - Grades 5 - 8 you save $130.99 versus the combined cost of the individual lessons

Product Description
Homeschoolers may purchase this package of programs containing grades 5 - 8. This package can be used by a single user and will never expire. Buy grades 5 - 8 together in this package and save over 20%! This offer is available for homeschooling families and is not available for parishes or schools.
Homeschool Level II - Grades 5 - 8 contains the following Core Courses:
- 5th Grade: Lesson 1: Sacraments: Grace
- 5th Grade: Lesson 2: Sacraments: Matter and Form
- 5th Grade: Lesson 3: Sacraments: Sacraments of Initiation
- 5th Grade: Lesson 4: Sacraments: Baptism
- 5th Grade: Lesson 5: Sacraments: Confirmation
- 5th Grade: Lesson 6: Sacraments: Eucharist Part I
- 5th Grade: Lesson 7: Sacraments: Eucharist Part II
- 5th Grade: Lesson 8: Sacraments: Eucharist Part III
- 5th Grade: Lesson 9: Sacraments: Confession Part I: Sin
- 5th Grade: Lesson 10: Sacraments: Confession Part II: Foregiveness
- 5th Grade: Lesson 11: Sacraments: Confession Part III: Priests
- 5th Grade: Lesson 12: Sacraments: Confession Part IV: How to Go to Confession
- 5th Grade: Lesson 13: Sacraments: Holy Orders
- 5th Grade: Lesson 14: Sacraments: Holy Matrimony
- 5th Grade: Lesson 15: Sacraments: Extreme Unction
- 5th Grade: Lesson 16: Sacramentals
- 5th Grade: Lesson 17: Vocations
- 5th Grade: Lesson 18: Prayer
- 5th Grade: Lesson 19: Our Father
- 5th Grade: Lesson 20: The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
- 5th Grade: Lesson 21: Divine Office & Liturgical Year
- 5th Grade: Lesson 22: The Rosary and Prayer
- 5th Grade: Lesson 23: Capital Sins
- 5th Grade: Lesson 24: Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy
- 5th Grade: Lesson 25: Theological and Moral Virtues
- 5th Grade: Lesson 26: Members of the Church and Papal Infallibility
- 5th Grade: Lesson 27: Canonizations and Beatifications
- 6th Grade: Lesson 1: Old Testament: Creation
- 6th Grade: Lesson 2: Old Testament: Noah and the Great Flood
- 6th Grade: Lesson 3: Old Testament: Tower of Babel
- 6th Grade: Lesson 4: Old Testament: Abraham and Isaac
- 6th Grade: Lesson 5: Old Testament: Jacob
- 6th Grade: Lesson 6: Old Testament: Joseph and the Famine
- 6th Grade: Lesson 7: Old Testament: Moses and the Ten Commandments
- 6th Grade: Lesson 8: Old Testament: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel
- 6th Grade: Lesson 9: Kings Saul, David, and Solomon
- 6th Grade: Lesson 10: Life of Christ: Annunciation
- 6th Grade: Lesson 11: Life of Christ: Visitation
- 6th Grade: Lesson 12: Life of Christ: Nativity
- 6th Grade: Lesson 13: Life of Christ: Presentation in the Temple
- 6th Grade: Lesson 14: Life of Christ: Finding of Christ in the Temple
- 6th Grade: Lesson 15: Life of Christ: Baptism of Christ
- 6th Grade: Lesson 16: Life of Christ: Wedding at Cana
- 6th Grade: Lesson 17: Life of Christ: Proclamation of the Kingdom of God
- 6th Grade: Lesson 18: Life of Christ: Transfiguration
- 6th Grade: Lesson 19: Life of Christ: Institution of the Eucharist
- 6th Grade: Lesson 20: Life of Christ: Agony in the Garden
- 6th Grade: Lesson 21: Life of Christ: Scourging at the Pillar
- 6th Grade: Lesson 22: Life of Christ: Crowning with Thorns
- 6th Grade: Lesson 23: Life of Christ: Carrying of the Cross
- 6th Grade: Lesson 24: Life of Christ: Crucifixion
- 6th Grade: Lesson 25: Life of Christ: Resurrection
- 6th Grade: Lesson 26: Life of Christ: Ascension
- 6th Grade: Lesson 27: Life of Christ: Pentecost
- 6th Grade: Lesson 28: Life of Christ: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 6th Grade: Lesson 29: Life of Christ: Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 6th Grade: Lesson 30: Life of Christ: The Blessed Virgin Mary Still Helping People
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 1: Introduction to Morality
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 2: History of Morality
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 3: Morality and Conscience
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 4: Conscience Formation and the Ten Commandments 1-3
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 5: Conscience Formation and the Ten Commandments 4-10
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 6: The Beatitudes and the Marks of a Moral Life, Part 1
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 7: The Beatitudes and the Marks of a Moral Life, Part 2
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 8: The Beatitudes and the Marks of a Moral Life, Part 3
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 9: The Beatitudes and the Marks of a Moral Life, Part 4
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 10: The Beatitudes and the Marks of a Moral Life, Part 5
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 11: The Beatitudes and the Marks of a Moral Life, Part 6
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 12: Thomas a Kempis and the Imitation of Christ
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 13: The Imitation of Christ, Book I, Chapter VII
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 14: The Imitation of Christ, Book II, Chapter VI
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 15: The Imitation of Christ, Book III, Chapter XII
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 16: The Imitation of Christ, Book III, Chapter XLIV
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 17: The Imitation of Christ, Book III, Chapter XXXVIII
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 18: Introduction to Amorality and the Modern Philosophy of Evil
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 19: Moral Relativism in the 21st Century, Part I
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 20: Moral Relativism in the 21st Century, Part II
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 21: Practical Ways to Live a Moral Life
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 22: Morality and Miracles
- 8th Grade: Lesson 1: Creed: God the Father
- 8th Grade: Lesson 2: Creed: Jesus Christ
- 8th Grade: Lesson 3: Creed: The Most Holy Trinity
- 8th Grade: Lesson 4: Creed: Mary
- 8th Grade: Lesson 5: Creed: Passion of Christ
- 8th Grade: Lesson 6: Creed: Descended unto the Dead
- 8th Grade: Lesson 7: Creed: Jesus Seated at God's Right Hand
- 8th Grade: Lesson 8: Creed: Holy Ghost
- 8th Grade: Lesson 9: Creed: The Holy Catholic Church
- 8th Grade: Lesson 10: Creed: Communion of Saints
- 8th Grade: Lesson 11: Creed: Forgiveness of Sins
- 8th Grade: Lesson 12: Creed: Resurrection of the Body
- 8th Grade: Lesson 13: Ten Commandments: 1st Commandment
- 8th Grade: Lesson 14: Ten Commandments: 2nd Commandment
- 8th Grade: Lesson 15: Ten Commandments: 3rd Commandment
- 8th Grade: Lesson 16: Ten Commandments: 4th Commandment
- 8th Grade: Lesson 17: Ten Commandments: 5th Commandment
- 8th Grade: Lesson 18: Ten Commandments: 6th Commandment
- 8th Grade: Lesson 19: Ten Commandments: 7th Commandment
- 8th Grade: Lesson 20: Ten Commandments: 8th Commandment
- 8th Grade: Lesson 21: Ten Commandments: 9th Commandment
- 8th Grade: Lesson 22: Ten Commandments: 10th Commandment
- 8th Grade: Lesson 23: Two Great Commandments
- 8th Grade: Lesson 24: Precepts of the Church
- 8th Grade: Lesson 25: Beatitudes
- 8th Grade: Lesson 26: The Sacraments
- 8th Grade: Lesson 27: Miracles and Your Faith
Other Courses similar to Homeschool Level II - Grades 5 - 8: