
Online Catholic First Holy Communion Classes - With Certificates of Completion

Catholic First Communion Classes


What Is Holy Communion?

The Eucharist — Holy Communion — is truly Jesus Christ's body, blood, soul, and divinity under the appearance of bread and wine. It is not a symbol of Christ, but rather, it is truly and really Jesus Christ! At the point in the Mass known as the consecration, the priest, acting in persona Christi, will say "This is my Body, which will be given up for you…" and "This is my Blood…". These were the words of Our Savior when He turned the bread and wine at the Last Supper into His Body and Blood, and, by the divine power of God in the priesthood, the bread and wine become Jesus Christ.

At the Consecration during the Mass everyone present except the celebrant should kneel in adoration because by God's divine power the bread and wine become His eternal Son, Jesus Christ. The bread and wine become Jesus Christ's Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity as Our Lord Himself taught in Sacred Scripture specifically at the Last Supper. The only thing remaining of bread and wine is the appearance of bread and wine (called the "accidents"). Jesus Christ gave this awesome power to his disciples, the first bishops who have passed this down through the Sacrament of Holy Orders.

What are First Holy Communion Classes?

In order to prepare to receive our Lord Jesus Christ's Real Presence in Holy Communion for the first time, everyone is required to complete sufficient preparation. This preparation takes the form of "First Communion" classes as well as Catholic Faith Formation. Anyone receiving our Lord in Holy Communion must be a baptized and practicing Catholic, aware of at least the rudimentary doctrines of the Faith, and wholeheartedly committed to the Church's teachings

How Long Are Catholic First Communion Classes?

Catholic First Communion classes are usually paired with First Confession Classes, which typically last one year. Some places require a two-year preparation. First Communion classes are often taken as part of a student's 2nd grade Catholic education classes. There are First Communion classes for all ages though including adolescents and even adults. CatechismClass.com offers flexible, online First Communion preparation course that can be completed at a student's own pace. Most students easily complete our course in just a few months since it is conveniently online and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our courses are still complete and faithfully Catholic. All students who complete our courses receive a certificate of completion

What Is Taught In Catholic First Communion Class?

Students learn what is the Eucharist and why is it called Holy Communion, what is Transubstantiation and what happens at Mass, how to prepare for a worthy reception of Holy Communion including the necessary spiritual and physical dispositions required, what is the role of the ordained priesthood in God's plan, and what the saints teach us on the Holy Eucharist.

Unfortunately, many Catholic First Communion classes are lacking in terms of their content. At CatechismClass.com, we focus on preparing our students and make it our vocation and mission to better ensure our students are properly prepared for their lives as practicing Catholics. Very few people are taught the dispositions necessary for frequent Communions even though those were enumerated by Pope St. Pius X in his decree of December 20, 1905, which promoted frequent and even daily reception of the Blessed Sacrament. His decree makes a distinction between the dispositions which are necessary for the fruitful reception of the Most Blessed Sacrament, and those that are more perfect and desirable in those who yearn to profit more profoundly from receiving our Lord in Holy Communion. There are two necessary conditions, and some additional ones for more frevent Communions. We address these in our lesson whereas so few preparation programs do.

Can I Receive My First Communion Online?

Only a validly ordained Catholic priest or bishop can administer the Sacraments. But, it is possible to study and fulfil the educational requirement for First Holy Communion online. We serve everyone (children, teens, and adults) through our courses. CatechismClass.com provides provide comprehensive and complete Sacramental preparation - the learning that must occur before a priest will allow someone to receive the Sacraments. You will still need to have your local Catholic parish administer the Sacrament to you (or your family member) after completing an online preparation class.

Can I Study for First Communion Online?

Yes! CatechismClass.com is a leading provider of online, self-study courses to help individuals (both adults and children) study for their Sacraments since our founding back in 2004. After passing our affordable Sacramental Preparation Coursework, your account will be reviewed to ensure you have passed all required course materials. After review and successful completion of a course of study, students will receive a CatechismClass.com Certificate. This certificate can be presented to your priest and parish to show passage of our First Holy Communion preparation classes. Use the link below to find the particular program of study you need to earn our certificate of completion. Our course is also an excellent way for parents to help their children prepare while at home for their Sacraments, in conjunction with parish-based formation programs.